New Phones Available for Tracfone Including Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 and 2 More Phones with 4G LTE Service Now Available from Tracfone This post contains the latest news on the release of three new phones from Tracfone. Check back soon for more information, and full reviews of each of these devices. New Samsung Devices with 4G LTE available from Tracfone! Tracfone has released three new smartphone devices for use on their prepaid network. These three new Android phones are the first to use CDMA 4G LTE service, which will allow users to have faster connectivity speeds on their device. Until now, users who wanted a 4G LTE capable device had to either use the GSM LG Sunset, or use their own device on the BYOP program. Now users have the option to choose one of these three news smartphones from Tracfone. The three new phones are the Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy E5, and Samsung Galaxy Core Prime. We are going to share a little about each phone, and also include where you can find these devices. We will also be working on our reviews fo...