Tracfone LG Rebel L44 VL Review

Review of the LG Rebel L44 VL from Tracfone Welcome to TracfoneReviewer , a blog about Tracfone Wireless cell phones. If you're new, take a look around, as we share lots of tips, news and reviews relating to Tracfone. Below is our review of the LG Rebel, a newly available phone to Tracfone prepaid customers. Tracfone LG Rebel L44VL Review Tracfone's LG Rebel is a versatile but basic smartphone recently released on the Tracfone website and through many other retailers. It comes with a 4.5" screen, quad-core processor, and 8 GB internal memory, among other features. There has been quite a flood of new smartphones from Tracfone over the summer of 2016, and the LG Rebel comes in at one of the more budget friendly options. We recently reviewed the LG Stylo 2 , which has a large, 5.7" screen, but is about twice the price of the Rebel. You can learn more about the new phones coming to Tracfone by reading our posts, New LG/Samsung Devices coming to Tracfone , New Alcatel/ZTE ...