Tracfone Ends Triple Minutes for Life- What you Need to Know (Updated)

Facts about Tracfone's Triple Minutes for Life Changes Updated March 2018 Tracfone Triple Minutes for Life Tracfone has decided to end the Triple Minutes for Life (TMFL) program that gave all smartphones (both Tracfone branded and unlocked) as well as many feature phones triple the minutes when adding the regular airtime cards. (When adding the 60 minute card, for example, you would get 180 minutes, plus any bonus airtime). There has been a lot of speculation and questions about whether phones will keep Triple Minutes for Life, if new phones will have it, and if Tracfone is really removing a very popular feature from their phones. We've gathered information about the changes and contacted Tracfone directly, and now want to try and clear things up and provide the facts for everyone concerned about this. First off, none of the Smartphone only cards would triple anyway, so these cards are completely unaffected, and if these are the cards you usually get, you are unaffected. In gen...