How Do Minutes Work on Tracfone Smartphones?

A Short Guide to Adding Minutes to Tracfone Android Smartphones Updated on 12/17/18. TracfoneReviewer is committed to sharing the best and most accurate information for our readers. How Minutes Work with Tracfone Smartphones Over the several years, Tracfone has included a number of Android and Apple powered smartphones in their lineup of cell phones. Tracfone provides both cell service and phones at a low cost and sells airtime cards with varying minute amounts (60, 120, 200 etc.) that users can buy and add to their phone. When the minutes are added, the phone then uses those minutes when you call or text. You also get a certain amount of service days (in most cases 90) with each card. This system where users can buy minutes only when needed helps to make Tracfone service very inexpensive for people who don't use their phones very often. Some Tracfone devices also come with double or triple minutes for life, meaning you get double (or triple) the minutes when you add a new card. H...