New Unlimited Smartphone Plans Available from Tracfone!

Tracfone Adds Unlimited Talk/Text Plans for Smartphones TracfoneReviewer shares the latest news, reviews and promo codes for Tracfone! Tracfone Unlimited Airtime Plans Tracfone quietly just released three new smartphone-only airtime card options with unlimited talk and text. Below are the details and we will share how the work and if it is a good deal. Many users have suspected Tracfone would eventually offer an unlimited option with the cost of talk and text dwindling and that day has arrived. Over the last few years Tracfone has stopped offering Triple Minutes for Life and introduced smartphone-only airtime cards with varying amounts of talk/text/data. The smartphone-only cards are generally a better deal for those who use all three 'buckets' and Tracfone also added Text only , Talk only and Data only airtime cards as add-ons. Now we see three smartphone-only cards available on the Tracfone website and the Tracfone My Account App for purchase that come with unlimited talk ...