Best Deal on Prepaid Minutes - Tracfone Airtime Guide

Airtime Comparison - Which Tracfone Card Should you Buy? Welcome to TracfoneReviewer , a blog about all things Tracfone related! Best deal on Tracfone Minutes Is it cheaper to buy the 60 minute card every three months or the 1 Year Card? What is the cheapest way to buy service days? We hear these questions, and more, quite often, and wanted to share the answers to these questions, as well as others, with our readers. Find out the cheapest way to get talk, text or data, and we will also share details on which airtime cards offer the best value.. With Tracfone airtime cards, there isn't a 'best' card for everyone, because it all depends on how much airtime you use, and if you use your talk, text or data more. So we have included several common scenarios, with the best airtime card for that situation. Cheapest Way to Add Service Days: Tracfone recently stopped offering their 365 service day card for $50 which is not good for users who just need additional service days. Th...